Thursday, February 12, 2009

Money Talks...

It's not bombs, it's not chemical or biological agents and it's not al-Qaida that are an immediate threat to the U.S. According to National Intelligence Director Dennis Blair: the economy is the main threat to the U.S.
Mr. Blair cites specific reasons why getting the economy under control is paramount to the nation's security; particularly, strategic interests. If this crisis continues, the U.S.'s economic leadership will be greatly dimenished, allied governments would likely crash as well. While progress is being made in Iraq, the situation is getting worse in Afghanistan. Basiclly it doesn't matter how much progress can be made on the battlefield, if America is no longer the World economic leader, there will be more to pay than just money.
Even though this is considered the opinion of the Nation's Intelligence Director; it should serve as a wake up call to all Americans. Whether or not we're for or against the War on Terror, the time has come where America needs to take a step back and reasses its domestic problems. It should serve without question that America still commands the respect a superpower deserves. How many nations can say that their domestic problems affect the Geopolitical World?

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